Entreles rangs


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Entre les rangs
Entreles rangs

Winner of the 2013-2014 Light Therapy competition, the project Between the Rows animates the Place des Festivals for a two-month period in a winter context.

The installation is inspired by these fields swept by wind and light. Some 28,000 flexible rods topped with white reflectors sway, shimmer and resonate under the effect of the wind and human walks.

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The reflector captures natural light by day. At night, the experience reflecting the color palette of sunrises and sunsets becomes totally immersive and magical thanks to the light directions and programming.


The light is present, but we focus more on the effect it produces on the environment than on its origin, its path on the site accompanies the visitor in his discovery of the installation.

The user feels himself evolving in the different colored atmospheres without determining the beginning and the end of each one. The universe created is unique and evolving. The luminous intensity as well as the skilful mix of colors allowed the users to stroll in a field deploying a palette of frank tints to a magnificent coppery tint rarely used in lighting.

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PQDS (Partenariat du Quartier Des Spectacles)




Design | Production | Realization


INTERACTIVE | Urban, Event


KANVA, Côté Jardin, Boris Dempsey, Pierre Fournier and Patrick Watson


Marc Cramer, Martine Doyon, Cindy Boyce and UDO photos et videos